we do
industrial Hemp impact opportunities
1) Advocate
Support the causes of farmers, agribusiness owners, landowners, and investors
Work with local representatives to advocate for effective hemp laws and policies
Change the perception of hemp not being recognized as an agricultural crop
Increase education awareness of industrial hemp uses and benefits
2) Educate
To provide education to legislators and policy makers and stakeholders
Facilitate discussions surrounding legalize hemp farming and commerce
Provide educational services and resources to our hemp farmers
Conduct webinars, education programs, and conferences
3) Connect
Business networking events
B2B referrals
Legislative advocacy events
Medical and healthcare professionals
Social Media
Featured Video
Subscribe to the Georgia Hemp Association YouTube Channel, Instagram and Facebook to keep up with the latest in Georgia Hemp news
Consultation and 2 GHA Contact Referrals
8 hr
Consultation, 3 GHA contact Referrals, and Project Assistance
8 hr
- Contact for Pricing
Corporate education on the benefits of Hemp and the potential uses
Contact for PricingSpeaker request for TV, Radio and Event
2 hr
Contact for Pricing