What is GHA?
The Georgia Hemp Association (GHA) is a unified, statewide hemp organization that focuses on inclusion and the betterment of all stakeholders within Georgia's hemp industry. We advocate for business opportunities that will kickstart and sustain Georgia's hemp industry and facilitate educational and networking opportunities to create valuable long-term connections.

Began as an effort to include and unify the diverse array of Georgia's legalization stakeholders, and encourage an "inclusive team approach" versus a divisive, competitive approach.

We want to change the dialogue and the stigma about hemp and ensure a true unified commonwealth and understanding around the plant and its legalization in the State of Georgia.

To ensure the commonwealth, education and infrastructure growth around Georgia's Hemp Community.

Featured Members
Membership is at the heart of what we do. We believe that an educated hemp grower and retailer can make an impact on the industry.
Membership types
Georgia Hemp Association is a nonprofit organization that has been advocating for farmers since 2016. We are dedicated to changing the dialogue and stigma of hemp. GHA is advocating for state and federal laws to be changed so hemp farmers can thrive in Georgia's agricultural industry.
So stay connected and join today.
Individual Membership
The GHA mission is to provide members with information and connections to other hemp professionals and financial resources that can help them to be more effective and efficient in their growing, producing and selling of hemp products.
Corporate membership
GHA believes that we can get their faster together by working with corporations that can impact the landscape of the hemp world as a collective rather than individually. We work to share knowledge and information about the growing and processing of hemp products and biomass.
Our focus areas
We Advocate, Educate, and Connect
Farmers, Business Owners, Investors, and Landowners to ensure a stronger infrastructure in Georgia

To ensure farmers are successful and have access to resources through education, partnership, funding, distributions, and infractures.
Land Owners
To educate landowners on how to create a profitable income stream through business education.
To advocate for better laws surrounding industrial hemp, THC, and CBD products. To change the stigma around industrial hemp and its uses. To educate our political leaders and community.
To connect investors to investment or joint ventures in the industrial hemp industry through our education programs.